The Curriculum
The children follow a planed program of work covering a broad and balanced curriculum. The curriculum includes: English, Mathematics, Science, Geography, History, Information and Communication Technology, Physical Education, Art and Design and Music.
Children are taught Literacy and Numeracy lessons which last for approximately one period each on, every day of week.
Emphasis is placed on promoting Personal, Social and Health Education and Citizenship. Financial capability, thinking skills, which include information processing, reasoning, enquiry, creative thinking and evaluation, are also embedded in the curriculum.
Great emphasis is placed on reading. We want to encourage children to read well for pleasure and information. The school has an excellent up-to: date stock of fiction and non-fiction books for all ages, probably unrivalled in the area.
We are very keen to foster close links with parents as we consider home/school co-operation is an important factor in each child’s progress. One way of achieving this is through our ‘Shared Reading’ program.
We have high expectations of all of our pupils. We respond to their diverse learning needs and aim to give everyone the opportunity to experience success in learning and achieve as high a standard as possible. At Global Convent we are committed to identifying and providing for gifted and talented children.
We actively encourage each child to take home his or her reading book. However it should be lost or damaged whilst in your possession you will be asked to pay for a replacement.
Physical Education, which includes Dance, Games, Gymnastics, Outdoor and Adventurous activities and Athletics from an important part of our curriculum.
Each year some residential trips are also organized. Groups of up to 50 pupils and 6 members of staff spend some days away from home at such places which are important and provide knowledge about culture, history, wildlife and science. We are justifiably proud our commitment to organizing such a wide range of trips for children from class 3 and onwards.